Saturday, March 15, 2008

We shoulda thought of this a long time ago!

I mean, seriously, is child labor such a bad thing? They don't look too abused do they?

This project has been in the works for two years, give or take. Wallpaper. Need we say more? We have removed other wallpaper in this house, but THIS wallpaper was hung with superglue. So it's gone now. Hallelujah! The walls aren't perfect, but they will have to do.

P.S.  If you think we really let our kids paint their whole bathroom, vaulted ceilings and all, we've got a good deal on some real estate for you along the Gulf shore...but the part about the imperfect walls is the absolute truth.


A Thinker said...

Are you kidding, I long for the day I can put my little Ben to work! Ok, here's a funny little child labor story for you. When I was around 8 or so, I was sure I was over-worked. Mind you, I was doing horrible things like the family dishes (only 3 of us) and feeding the dog. Can you imagine the horror?! Anyway, there was this tv show called Alex and Annie. Kids could write to Alex and Annie and ask for help with their dilemmas. So one day, my wonderful, loving mother opens the mailbox only to find a letter addressed to Alex and Annie in crayon. She, of course, opens it. In my letter, I write of my plight - "I have to do the dishes EVERY night while my parents sit on the couch and watch TV. I do all the work around here. It's not fair!!" So the moral of the story is, work 'em hard, but watch the mailbox...

Tracy P. said...

That's hilarious! You will be amazed at how soon they start to be useful...but you have to start em early when helping is still a treat!