Friday, April 18, 2008

Family Friday

We like to go out as a family on Fridays and have supper and some fun. Tonight the theme was "I"--IHOP, IKEA, and Ice cream. Lucky us, the featured menu at IHOP right now is Horton Hears a Who. The kids had the tough choice between Who Cakes and Green Eggs and Ham. Can you guess how many food groups we counted in their Who Cakes? We had to add the milk group by having an ice cream cone after the kids enjoyed the play land at IKEA.  We sure had a great time! (And tomorrow we'll eat some veggies.)


A Thinker said...

And here I thought my Ben consummed the most food coloring in one day yesterday with his cake. I'm happy to see other non-naturally occuring colors ingested by other otherwise healthy Only a kid could eat this. We went to IHOP a while back and I saw a kid order this and I was like, ick! But if they liked it, then more power to 'em!

Tracy P. said...

Yup. Ben finished his. Not Bethany though. She at least has the sense to know there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. There was actually chocolate in those little rainbow thingies. I had hoped maybe the syrup was a yogurty something, but, uh, I don't think so. But it made a really cute and colorful picture, I thought, and it's "for a limited time only". Thank goodness!