Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's YOUR turn!

Guess what this is! No, really, you have to guess. Because I'm not telling until someone guesses correctly. To enter your guess, click on "comments" below. If you are not a registered Googler, you can type your answer and click on the circle next to "anonymous". That's it. Then check back later to see if you or anyone else has solved the mystery. Good luck!


Michele said...

Well, looks like something that should be on our boat, but I know that's not it. Guess I lose, huh?

Tracy P. said...

You can't lose yet...we'll see if anyone else is more clever than you!

Anonymous said...

The green things are the handles to one of those pliers thingies, sitting beside a two-piece wrench thingie, which I know the name of but I can't come up with it right now. The different size attachments correspond to different sizes of nuts or bolts. Right? And the white thing and the other stuff I can't identify. Is that necessary to win the prize? There is a prize, isn't there? Now you know how to get me leaving comments, don't you??


Tracy P. said...

Wow, Dave, you're a little technical, don't you think? You've got most of the pieces identified, but not the MOST important pieces. It all represents a project, something that fits the theme of my blog. That's a BIG clue. Shelley, I hope you got that!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm... you're converting your old washing machine into a large metal scrapbook? You saw the other night how well I do with riddles. Shelley, I've left the door wide open. Don't waste your opportunity!

Tracy P. said...

Technical, and literal too! That's what makes you one of my very favorite people! Well, there are always new scrapbooking tools coming out, and I've always been one to check them out. These tools just can't turn my old albums into digital media however.

So one more clue. Yes, it's a scrapbook blog, but the theme is really more about family life. This little project was really more an event in our family than anything. Since you're sticking with this, I'll zoom out a little tomorrow. Stay tuned!