Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Try again!

OK. Lee thought this might be a little too easy. But after all, he's the one who did the project, so it's obvious to him. So here's a little more information. Hmmm...


Melissa Mae said...

I think they are training wheels... and a socket wrench and a crescent wrench. I am guessing that someone got the training wheels taken off their bike. I guessing Bethany (since the wheels are white and that she is about the right age). Am I right?

Tracy P. said...

Ding ding ding ding ding! You win, Melissa! Leave it to the engineer to gather as many facts as possible before weighing in.

Your prize is an egg salad sandwich! Let me know when you want to claim it. :-)

Dave, you'll get second prize, but it won't be an egg salad sandwich. (aren't you glad?) Maybe a crescent wrench thingie. Or some chocolate.

And Shelley, you'll get third prize...a few more comments from me on YOUR blog!

Thanks everyone for playing!

Anonymous said...

I think those are pliers and training wheels. I think...that it's Bethany taking her training wheels off!


Tracy P. said...

Good Job, Ben! You're a little late, but I can vouch for the fact that you knew what it was when you saw it, before seeing Melissa's answer. You are also correct that technically the green tool was pliers and not a crescent wrench. Your prize is another year of free room and board.


Anonymous said...

Oops, looks like I was too slow to make my second guess. It wasn't as easy as you thought it should've been (you've got to remember who you're working with here), but I did finally figure it out without any outside assistance. And I like chocolate better than egg salad anyway, so I guess that makes me a real winner, doesn't it? Congrats to Bethany, too!!
