Thursday, August 02, 2007

Little fish!

Do you hear my heart going pitter patter? Benjamin and Bethany just finished a session of swimming lessons, and they are really swimming! I mean, jumping off the diving board and then swimming down to the shallow end. Both of them! They can do the front crawl and back crawl (well only Ben has the breathing down on the front crawl)'s amazing!

So what's the big deal? Doesn't everyone take swimming lessons in the summer? Aren't they supposed to actually learn how to swim when they do? Well, I suppose. But if you know how much time I spent in the pool growing up, you probably assumed that front and back crawl were what my kids would be doing before they walked. So, it sort of seemed like a long time coming. Seriously, seeing Ben swim across the pool without breaking his rhythm once on the front crawl is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

You know what, though? When Aunt Dayna suggested that he might swim in the Olympics someday, he said, "Uh, I don't think so," but the look on his face said, "Uh, Aunt Dayna, how in the world do you think THAT would fit into my Major League Baseball career?"

I see his point.


Michele said...

It was fun to see photos of the kids swimming, Tracy...Alex just started swimming this summer. She went from being very apprehensive when they were in FL in Nov., to enjoying being in the water but not wanting to be without a flotation device when they were back the end of April, to swimming enthusiastically when we went to visit them in July.

These are your family's "Golden Years," and you will remember them with a special yearning in the future (like I am now). I loved all the stages my kids were at, but elementary school was so sweet.

Tracy P. said...

We are savoring them! One of the benefits of having received the gift of children a little later in life, I think.