Thursday, March 01, 2007


Sweet!, originally uploaded by TracyP..

Benjamin was 3 when we went to Hawaii and Lee's mom came to stay with the kids. But he has never forgotten Mona's "Snow Cream", and today he had to call her for the recipe. He has been talking about it since the big snow last weekend. It was SO yummy!


Melissa Mae said...

Ohhh, Hawaii sounds good right now... Snow cream sounds good, I think. Ben, what is in it?

Tracy P. said...

Hawaii does sound good, doesn't it? But with the kids the age they are, snowtime is fun time! The neighborhood is crawling with kids building forts and mountains.

Here's the snowcream:

First the "syrup" for mixing: one can of sweetened condensed milk, mixed with "as much sugar as it will dissolve"--seems like a cup or maybe a little more. Add 1 teaspoon (or to taste) of vanilla. You could add other flavors too! Chill the syrup a little while (we put ours on the front step). Then mix with snow--about a gallon. We did it in two batches in a big mixing bowl. YUM!