Sunday, March 11, 2007

Twirly Girl

My creation, originally uploaded by TracyP..

Bethany was signed up for a dance class that was supposed to start last Wednesday. However, they didn't have enough kids, so they postponed for a week to scrounge up a few more. I didn't find out until she had already gone to bed the night before. So of course she woke up and immediately put on all her "stuff". I REALLY hated to break the news to her, but she accepted it rather graciously, much to my surprise. She proceeded to twirl around the house for the rest of the morning. She willingly put school clothes on for the afternoon, but came right home and got her dance things on again. Is that not a precious face?


Anonymous said...

Tracy, I'm glad she took the news so well. She truly looks like a little dancer!

Also love the pics of Bethany & Ben - there is no doubt they are brother & sister. Is that Lee's face I see in Bethany now?


Tracy P. said...

Thanks for popping in, Carla! It's a lot more fun to do when you see that someone else is enjoying it too.

I have always said that I don't see a trace of Decker in Bethany. She is all Patterson. Lee takes after his mom, so I think she's probably the one Bethany looks like the most. But I don't mind at all when peple say she looks like me...I just don't see it!