Thursday, March 01, 2007

Winter Wonderland

My creation, originally uploaded by TracyP..

We're finally getting snow! How much? There are mixed predictions on that, so we will have to get up and look out the window, and then see if we need to check school closings. One thing we do know...we'll need some hot chocolate. And in case you're wondering, yes, these pictures really are from our yard! Is this a cool toy or what?!


MaryD said...

another fun one! love the snow, love mosaic maker!

Tracy P. said...

Thanks, Mary, for leaving a trail that led me to flick'r toys. Have you found that you are able to choose which picture ends up in the "big" picture of the mosaic? I really wanted to put the crab apple tree in the big one. Also, the mosaic ended up over too far to the right on the post--not a big deal, but any suggestions?

MaryD said...

You can edit the mosaic after you make it, look for the icon under the first draft. As I recall, the big one is #1. Then look to see which number corresponds with which picture.

Actually I'm sure I'm not making sense here. Sorry. But keep trying and you will get it, probably will learn more tricks than i've ever learned!